Hello to the world. News from the first Training
Regarding the last 48 hours you are coming from 31 countries to have a look at the Blog.
So, I will try sometimes to make your live easier by writting some resume with my Benglish ( That mean’s Bruno English).
I am very happy to share with you this adventure and story.
We have made the first traning with Isabelle Magois, that most of you knows. It was very good as I am again a beginner ( 20 years without having sail).
The impression and the speed was very good ( new boat, new sails, not all the material in board and a good skipper make also the diference). Somewhere it confirms what Pierre Rolland relate on his race, the boat is fast when your are near the wind and when you are reaching as well. We were also OK with the spinnaker, but as I mention I was more the « nose into the boat » trying to understand all the mecanisms and make of course mistakes. There was no much wind ( 5 to 10 knots), very good to start from my point of view and make first test.
During the two days, I start to learn how to gybe, turn on solo mode. This will be my focus for the coming two months driven by the coach Charles Euvereste.
If you want more details don’t hesitate to mail me.
See You Soon.
El NoNo